Max & Flocke Welcome Andrei & Rex

On October 20th, 2016, the new computer game was launched in Cluj, Romania.
Max & Flocke, the German protagonists, turn into Andrei & Rex.

[slideshowck id=141]
(picture gallery showing the game launch in Cluj on 20th October 2016)

The game was launched by (BBK) President Christoph Unger, the Romanian Secretary of State Raed Arafat and President of the Senate of the Babes-Bolaj University, Professor Chirila.

The first two levels of the new game were launched. In Romania. The game has currently been released with the two focal points of fire and health. Austria will follow in November. In Germany, the complete game is expected to be in mid-2017. Then, Romania and Austria will release the further three levels as well.

20 pupils of the German school in Cluj were invited to play the game as first players after the launch. The players slip into the role of a rescue workers. By completing a series of mini games, the children test their dexterity. They also learn many details about the important and very versatile work of rescue hworkers.

In order to ensure a high replay value, the players have different degrees of difficulty at their disposal.They also receive recognition in the form of points, orders and printable documents. The final game will have five main topics: Fire, Health, Accidents and First Aid, Storm and Supply. Once all five levels have been coded, the young players will be able to acquire the “disaster protection driving license” as the highest recognition.

Here is an interview with State Secretary Arafat at the Romanian kick-off event:


Here is an interview with President Unger at the Romanian kick-off event:

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