
Every year, more than 500,000 children in Germany are involved in accidents serious enough to require medical help.

There are many different causes, from burns to electrical accidents to poison. Improving children’s environments to make them safer is the first step – but it makes much more sense to teach children about potential dangers in their everyday lives.

That is the fastest way to learn how to protect themselves from potential hazards.

The following storybooks help children to learn everday risky in their lives and how to deal with them.

The storybooks are available in Austrian, English, German and Romanian. There are:

  1. Adventure Civil Protection with Max & Flocke (Andrei & Rex, Nick & Roxie)
  2. Thought of everything with Max and Flocke (Andrei & Rex, Nick & Roxie)
  3. Civil Protection for young & old

Adventure Civil Protection with

Austrian Nick & Roxie
English Max & Flocke
German Max & Flocke
Romanian Andrei & Rex

Thought of everything with

Austrian Nick & Roxie
English Max & Flocke
German Max & Flocke
Romanian Andrei & Rex

Civil Protection for young & old

Austrian Bevölkerungsschutz für Jung und Alt
English Civil Protection for young & old
German Bevölkerungsschutz für Jung und Alt
Romanian Protecția populației pentru mici și mari