
We offer you eleven worksheets and the corresponding methodical and didacric comments in Austrian, English, German and Romanian.
The eleven worksheets want to show children aged seven to twelve correct behaviour in case of

as well as make them aware of

Please feel free to download the worksheet files. You will find more detailed information on how to use the worksheets in the corresponding methodical and didactic comments.

Worksheets and methodical-didactic comments dealing with storms

Austrian Blitzgescheit  Methodisch-didaktischer Kommentar zum Arbeitsblatt Blitzgescheit
English  Fast as Lightning  Methodical and didactic comments on Fast as Lightning
German Blitzgescheit Methodisch-didaktischer Kommentar zum Arbeitsblatt Blitzgescheit
Romanian  Iute ca fulgerul  Comentariu metodico-didactic – Iute ca fulgerul

Worksheets and methodical-didactic comments dealing with forest fires

Austrian Brandgefährlich  Methodisch-didaktischer Kommentar zum Arbeitsblatt Brandgefährlich
English Highly Dangerous  Methodical and didactic comments on Highly Dangerous
German Brandgefährlich  Methodisch-didaktischer Kommentar zum Arbeitsblatt Brandgefährlich
Romanian Pericol de incendiu  Comentariu metodico-didactic – Pericol de incendiu

Worksheets and methodical-didactic comments dealing with influenza

Austrian Gesundheit!  Methodisch-didaktischer Kommentar zum Arbeitsblatt Gesundheit!
English Bless you!  Methodical and didactic comments on Bless you!
German Gesundheit!  Methodisch-didaktischer Kommentar zum Arbeitsblatt Gesundheit!
Romanian Sănătate!  Comentariu metodico-didactic – Sănătate!

Worksheets and methodical-didactic comments dealing with emergencies

Austrian Worksheet was not localised into Autrian
English Helpfulness  Methodical and didactic comments on Helpfulness
German Hilfreich  Methodisch-didaktischer Kommentar zum Arbeitsblatt Hilfreich
Romanian De mare ajutor  Comentariu metodico-didactic – De mare ajutor

Worksheets and methodical-didactic comments dealing with floods and landslides

Austrian  Pitschnass  Methodisch-didaktischer Kommentar zum Arbeitsblatt Pitschnass
English Completely Soaked  Methodical and didactic comments on Completely Soaked
German Pitschnass  Methodisch-didaktischer Kommentar zum Arbeitsblatt Pitschnass
Romanian Ud până la piele  Comentariu metodico-didactic – Ud până la piele

Worksheets and methodical-didactic comments dealing with earthquakes

Austrian  Wackelig  Methodisch-didaktischer Kommentar zum Arbeitsblatt Wackelig
English Quaking  Methodical and didactic comments on Quaking
German Wackelig  Methodisch-didaktischer Kommentar zum Arbeitsblatt Wackelig
Romanian Tremurat  Comentariu metodico-didactic – Tremurat

Worksheets and methodical-didactic comments dealing with volunteering

Austrian Ehrensache  Methodisch-didaktischer Kommentar zum Arbeitsblatt Ehrensache
English A Matter of Honour  Methodical and didactic comments on A Matter of Honour
German Ehrensache  Methodisch-didaktischer Kommentar zum Arbeitsblatt Ehrensache
Romanian O chestiune de onorare  Comentariu metodico-didactic – O chestiune de onorare

Worksheets and methodical-didactic comments dealing with fire safety education

Austrian Feuereifer  Methodisch-didaktischer Kommentar zum Arbeitsblatt Feuereifer
English Fire  Methodical and didactic comments on Fire
German Feuereifer  Methodisch-didaktischer Kommentar zum Arbeitsblatt Feuereifer
Romanian Foc  Comentariu metodico-didactic – Foc

Worksheets and methodical-didactic comments dealing with household risks

Austrian Messer, Gabel Schere, Licht  Methodisch-didaktischer Kommentar zum Arbeitsblatt Messer, Gabel Schere, Licht
English Knife, Fork, Scissors, Light  Methodical and didactic comments on the worksheet Knife, Fork, Scissors, Light
German Messer, Gabel Schere, Licht  Methodisch-didaktischer Kommentar zum Arbeitsblatt Messer, Gabel Schere, Licht
Romanian Cuțit, Furculiță, Foarfece, Lumină  Comentariu metodico-didactic – Cuțit, Furculiță, Foarfece, Lumină

Worksheets and methodical-didactic comments dealing with social engagement

Austrian Hilfsbereit Methodisch-didaktischer Kommentar zum Arbeitsblatt Hilfsbereit
English Supportive  Methodical and didactic comments on the worksheet Supportive
German Hilfsbereit  Methodisch-didaktischer Kommentar zum Arbeitsblatt Hilfsbereit
Romanian Săritor  Comentariu metodico-didactic – Săritor